Check out the main activities of Pogrebno podjetje Maribor.
Pogrebno podjetje Maribor is in charge of the maintenance and arrangement of the Pobrežje and Dobrava cemeteries, the provision of funeral services and cremation.
Cremation is a frequent manner of storing the remains of the deceased in contemporary society.
One of our core activities is the organization and conduct of funerals. If you have lost a loved one and need help, there is a lot of advice on this page.
The manufacturing of monuments in memory of the departed relatives is a responsible job, where we need to get close to the wishes and feelings of those who lost a loved one.
Colors, shapes, impressions. Hours, days, weeks, and months of planning, caring, arranging. All for the moment when nature glitters in its full beauty.
In the Aralija flowershop, experienced florists prepare unique creations from daily fresh flowers for all occasions.