Pogrebno podjetje Maribor is in charge of the maintenance and arrangement of the Pobrežje and Dobrava cemeteries, the provision of funeral services and cremation.
The city council of Municipality of Maribor has with the Decree on cemetery and funerary order in the area of municipality of Maribor (Intercommunal formal gazette no. 21/98) set that the cemeteries Pobrežje and Dobrava are run by the concessionaire, who is appointed as an operator of the economic public service for up-keeping, arranging of cemeteries, and funerary service on the cemetery and cremation.
Funeral services Maribor Ltd. has on the basis of the invitation to tender and in accordance with the Decree on the concession for cremation (Intercommunal formal gazette no. 25/95) acquired the concession for cremating for the period of 20 years.